Aid and Subsidies

The Junta de Andalucía informs on upcoming aid to promote business and technological innovation in Andalucía

2024-11-12T10:56:46+01:0012 November 2024|Aid and Subsidies, Front Page|

The Secretary General for Research and Innovation visits the company Titanium Aero in Aerópolis, dedicated to innovation and continuous improvement for the aeronautical and automobile sector The Secretary General for Research and Innovation, Antonio Posadas, has visited the engineering company Titanium Aero at Aerópolis, dedicated to innovation and continuous improvement for the aeronautical and automobile sector, and informed about the [...]

Andalucía TRADE offers its new incentives to the Andalusian aerospace sector, a priority for the industrial growth of Andalusia

2024-10-14T11:25:41+02:0014 October 2024|Aid and Subsidies|

Antonio Castro presented the instruments and services to support companies in Andalucía TRADE to the companies of the Andalucía Aerospace Cluster The general director of Andalucía TRADE, Antonio Castro, presented in Seville to the Andalusian aerospace sector, marked as a priority for the Andalusian public agency, the new incentives to business investment of this public entity “to increase the capacities [...]

The University Department of the Junyta de Andalucía makes €72M available to the aerospace sector to promote its innovation

2024-07-01T10:10:19+02:0027 June 2024|Aid and Subsidies, Front Page|

Villamandos highlights in Parliament that this activity is strategic for Andalusia due to its transformative capacity for the economy and the labor market and for its attraction of business investments The Department of University, Research and Innovation of the Junta de Andalucía allocates an amount of 72 million euros to the aerospace sector through different public aid programs and actions [...]

The Junta de Andalucía will call for aid for €59M before the end of the year to promote business and technological innovation in Andalusia

2024-06-12T13:29:55+02:0012 June 2024|Aid and Subsidies, Front Page|

The University Department submits to public information the rule that regulates these incentives so that they can be approved after the summer The Department of University, Research and Innovation of the Junta de Andalucía will support business and technological innovation in strategic sectors for Andalusia through the call for various lines of incentives worth 59 million euros before the end [...]

CDTI Innovation launches the 2024 call for the Space Technology Program (PTE) with 70 million in subsidies

2024-06-04T13:40:08+02:004 June 2024|Aid and Subsidies, Front Page|

The 2024 call is focused on promoting the medium and long-term competitiveness of the Spanish space industry through R&D-based improvement of technological capabilities It will be managed by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), with the collaboration of the Spanish Space Agency in the project evaluation phase. PTE 2024 falls within the scope of PERTE Aerospace and is financed [...]

The aerospace sector will benefit from almost €63M in innovation aid to promote its development

2024-05-22T13:47:37+02:0022 May 2024|Aid and Subsidies, Front Page|

Villamandos highlights in Parliament that the Drone Innovation Center will maintain the scientific and technological leadership of Andalusia in this activity Andalusian aerospace activity will be able to benefit from several lines of incentives quantified at 62.6 million euros and aimed at promoting innovation and the transfer of knowledge, as highlighted by the Regional Minister of University, Research and Innovation, [...]

Junta de Andalucía increases the allocation of the ‘Space Innova’ program to €20M, aimed at seeking innovative solutions in the space sector

2024-03-25T10:23:21+01:0025 March 2024|Aid and Subsidies|

This initiative, which will be carried out through the Public Procurement of Innovation, will allow significant advances in emergency deployment, firefighting or environmental management The Department of University, Research and Innovation has increased to 20 million the amount allocated to the 'Space Innova Andalucía' program, which seeks to identify innovative solutions in the space sector for their application in other [...]

The CDTI launches the call “Innovation Ecosystems” with up to 3 million euros for aerospace

2024-01-16T13:13:31+01:0016 January 2024|Aid and Subsidies|

The Ministry of Science and Innovation and Universities, through the CDTI, has published the call for Innovation Ecosystems aid, endowed with 13.34 million euros in subsidy to promote innovation and transfer ecosystems The grants focus on promoting the transfer of new science and knowledge in 11 priority Cervera technologies to business innovation projects with an impact on the economy and [...]

The Ministry of Science opens a new call for aid from PERTE Aeroespacial with up to 240 million euros in partially refundable aid

2023-12-20T12:48:27+01:004 December 2023|Aid and Subsidies|

The aid granted in this call has the possibility of reduction or exemption of guarantees and advance payments upon signing of the contracts The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has just opened a new call for R&D and innovation projects of the PERTE Vanguard Health, with a budget of up to 273 million, and Aerospace, with a budget of [...]

Almost eight million to promote R&D in astrophysics and high-energy physics

2023-02-20T13:47:38+01:0020 February 2023|Aid and Subsidies, Front Page|

The program promotes the development of advanced technologies for the exploration of the universe and instrumentation for future experiments in particle and nuclear physics The Regional Ministry of University, Research and Innovation makes available to Andalusian universities and public R&D centers aid worth 7.85 million euros to finance research projects in astrophysics and high-energy physics that develop advanced technologies for [...]

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